Sex,Lies and Awesome Voice overs… Enjoy this Trip and it is a Trip ...when... voice overs become Art.The Guy and Girl next door spots may pay the bills ...but where is your Artist in voice over ? Are you piling them high and selling them cheap ? Good luck to...

What to do when your world feels like …crap.

The Man Who Chased Joggers ... That title just came to me one day be precise on the evening of June 13th 2012.I was going through a rough patch,in despair, I retired to my study ,I was sitting there at a loss...And.Well, from the ether came this title The Man...

When Voice Over Artists should Fire a client.

When Voice Over Artists should Fire a client.

  The amount of times I've had to Fire a client my case, is less than the fingers on one hand.By the way be gentle with clients...-''I'm not the man/woman for this Job''- is an elegant sufficiency when an over demanding loop the phreaking loop gets on one's...